Studyable AI Explained: Honest Review, Full Demo & Discount Code

Nowadays, every day a new AI tool is getting launched & it becomes really hard which tool to use. AI is helping students in getting more efficient. And if you are not using any AI tool then, you are just remaining behind your competition.

Recently, I discovered an amazing AI app, Studyable. When I first signed up and used it, I felt like this is amazing. That app has features that you will not find anywhere else. After using it for 1 week, I became confident enough to talk about it. So, I am writing this review about my experience using Studyable AI. In this review, I will also discuss the advantages, and disadvantages of using this app. Let us get started.

Studyable Overview:

App NameStudyable AI
Ease of Use:4.2/5
Pricing:$8.99 per month
Overall Rating4.5/5

What is Studyable AI?

Studyable is an AI-powered app that can become a study assistant for students. It comes with a lot of amazing features like creating essays, flashcards, grading essays, etc. In this review, I am going to explain each & every feature of Studyable AI.

Studyable Features:

Grade your essays:

Studyable grades your essays and gives you proper feedback. Just paste your essay & it will grade your essay based on four factors:

  • Correctness
  • Clarity
  • Engagement
  • Delivery
Studyable analyzes text

And then it will give you some suggestions on how to improve your essay.

Studyable grades essays

For example, I asked Studyable to rate my essay. It gave the essay a rating of 90% & then some feedback. With these amazing features, you can rate your essay with Studyable before submitting it to your teacher or professor.

Explains complicated Concept:

Studyable has the ability to explain complex topics in simple words. Enter the topic on which you want an explanation & select Answer Complexity as Simple. AI will take some time and will come up with a brief explanation on that topic.

Not all the times this feature is going to give your correct information. So, do your due diligence before copying the explanation.

Chat with AI:

Studyable has a chat functionality that you can use to summarize any text & you can use this feature to get quizzes.

For summarizing text, enter commands like summarize textbook content. And then paste the content.

For example, I asked it to summarize a paragraph on the benefits of healthy living.

Studyable summarize feature

And here is the summarized text:

So, in this way, you can extract important information from any paragraph using this tool.
Quiz Yourself:

You can ask Studyable to give you challenging questions on any topic. For example, I asked it to “Quiz me on parts of the human body”. & below is the output.

It is asking a question, now I answered it like “The 3 types of muscle tissue are cardiac, smooth, and skeletal.” Now, Studyable tells us whether the answer is correct or not. As our answer is correct, it gave us another question.

This is the best way to improve your knowledge of any topic. This feature is mindblowing & it will prepare you to face any kind of test on any topic.

You can use the same feature to understand any topic. I asked Studyable to give the difference between AI & ML and here, is the result.

Creates Study Notes:

Most of the students don’t get enough time to prepare study notes. Studyable can help you to prepare study notes on any topic. I asked it to create Study notes on the topic, “DNA”.

And here are the notes:

You can see in the above screenshot, how amazingly it provided us with notes with titles & great explanations on the topic.

Create Flash Cards:

Flash Cards are the best way to memorize any content. Studyble can help you to create any number of flash cards. Just create a set and in that set create flashcards on the topic.

In the below image, I have created flash cards for learning the subject, Chemistry. Similarly, you can create many flashcards to memorize any subject and important terms in it.

Text Analysis:

This app has a feature where you can analyze any paragraph & can generate key ideas, quotes as well as context on that topic.

Studyable Pricing:

Studyable app’s free version gives your daily 3 runs of any features. With the pro version, you can get unlimited access to the Studyable app.

I recommend you to use the Studyable Pro version as it is worth that price.

Studyable Pros & Cons:

  • Flash cards feature helps you to memorize any content.
  • Essay Grader gives you accurate feedback and rates your essay.
  • Studyable can explain complex concepts on any topic.
  • You can creates notes with this app
  • A complete all in one solution that improves your grades and makes you more foused
  • Sometime, Studyable app may product incorrect output
  • As of now I didn’t found any other disadvantages of using it.

Who can use Studyable App?

Studyable app is best for students. Whether you are in high school or college, Studyable is going to help you a lot. From rating essays to analyzing quotes, the Studyable app has everything to make you a better student. It can also help you in getting good grades.

My Final Verdict on Studyable App:

I have seen and added a lot of AI tools on this website. But Studyable is truly unique and a powerful app. But what makes the Studyable app powerful? Its features. The kind of features Studyable has no other app has. You can grade your essay, summarize paragraphs, analyze quotes, create flashcards, and can do so many other things with Studyable.

All these features made me truly like this app. So, if you wondering whether you can use this app or not? The answer is “go for it”. This app is going to make you more productive and a much better student. Suppose, you have an exam tomorrow in Maths and you are not understanding some concepts like Differential Equations. You can just ask this to Studyable and it will give you notes as well as a proper, simple explanation on that. You get all this without getting distracted. You can search the same thing on YouTube for free but there you will see a lot of ads and other videos. Therefore, Studyable is the best study assistant for you.

The only downside is that sometimes, it may produce inaccurate content. So make sure to double-check check output created using this app.

Overall, I highly recommend you to buy the Studyable app. If you have any queries on Studyable, just let us know by commenting below. Thanks for reading.

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