PhotoRestore restores your old photos and convert them into high quality images. It also improves image quality. Best thing it is free to use Official Site

Reimagine Home AI

Reimagine Home AI takes the guesswork out of redesigning any space! It detect room type and understand your preferred design style – all while adhering to your color preferences and following your instructions. With Reimagine Home AI can transform any room into a masterpiece without lifting a finger! Official Site

Galileo AI

If you’re stuck in a rut creating UI designs, Galileo AI has got your back! With just a simple text description, it can generate dazzling and editable designs. Official Site

Scribble Diffusion

Bring your sketch to life using the power of AI! Transform a sketch into a masterfully refined image with just a few clicks with Official Site

DreamInterpreter AI interprets your dream within a seconds. Just enter details about your dream and click on “Interprete Dream” button. This website will unlock your dream accurately. Ya! It is totally free to use. Official Site


With Maroofy, you can seach for a song that has tune similar to your favourite song. Just enter the song and Maroofy will suggest your list of songs similar to your input song name. Official Site

These Resumes Does Not Exist

Check out resumes of successful people like Elon Musk, Brad Pitt and many more. This website is fun and you are really going to enjoy resumes of these famous people Official Site

AIPickupLines create pickupines in minutes. Just enter the keyword and it will create pickuplines based on that keyword. It is totally free to use. Official Site

Extrapolate App

See yourself in past, present & future. Extrapolate app helps you to get idea of your looks after 10, 20 years. It is free to use & thousand of user are loving it. Official Site

Punchlines AI

Create punclines that spread happiness all across the word with Punchlines AI. It is a AI joke generator and sometimes can generate better jokes than humans. Official Site